Even though times are tough for American football and sport all over the world in general, it is still worth following your favorite team all the way through to the Super Bowl in Florida. As for the season, it seems it will continue as planned albeit with no supporters allowed. You can still follow your team from home and support them from there.

Times are rough for sports in general and the NFL has suffered for it. Although the pandemic has changed the way we view sports, everything is being done so the season is going on as planned. A lot of people’s jobs are simply dependent on it. 

As for now they are even considering moving the Super Bowl to March 2021. That might give the worst troubles a chance to blow over. But as for now nothing is decided and it seems, the NFL are taking on step at a time getting the season running as planned. 

What to do as a supporter

In these times, when there is no way of tailgating, there are plenty of other stuff you can do to support your sports team. As a supporter, your job is to continue watching when your favorite team is on ESPN or where they might show your favorite sports games. That at least shows interest in the games. 

When you can’t visit the home ground there are other alternatives to supporting your team financially. For example, you can continue buying merchandise as you have done before. It is a huge help for teams around the US not only financially but also spiritually, as showing your support visually is something that people and sports fan will notice. 

This is also a chance to get together with your fellow friends and supporters and maybe think of new traditions for the next home games. Old traditions will always persist, but there are times when you have the chance to think of something new. And that time is right now. Maybe you have new ideas of chanting your team as they get on the pitch. Or maybe a new cheer for touchdowns. Everything is up for grabs when you have time to work on it. 

Take a chance on a safe bet

If you miss the excitement of game days, there are other ways to raise the stakes. Maybe you’ve heard of betting online? This is a chance for you to place a bet on your team no matter what type of sport you support. Be it the NFL or maybe some soccer, you have the chance you win a bit of money on the side. 

Whenever you are betting online make sure you have a strategy ready. If you want to win the big bucks, you have to bet with your brain. Use the smarts, not the hearts. There are plenty of strategies that will make betting easier, and plenty of ways you can win big by betting safely. Follow the link in the description and take a look at your options.