You must have observed how certain people do not get fat even if they have vast quantities of food. While on the other hand, certain people effortlessly gain calories without even eating anything. Do you know the main factor who is responsible for this? It is your metabolism! But there is a small catch to this. Did you know that your metabolism can change drastically as you age? Some people experience an increase in their metabolism, while others experience a drop in their metabolism.


You might have noticed how you are restricted to do certain activities with age, and your energy level also decreases. This suggests that the metabolism rate drops after a certain age, and many different factors are responsible for it. You will be able to get an overview of the various reasons, symptoms, and the cure in this very article. 


Factors Responsible For The Change In Metabolism


Your activities and eating habits throughout the day determine how many calories you have gained or lost. Certain people lose more calories even while eating, while others find it challenging to lose the extra calories. Given below are some of the factors responsible for the change in metabolism.


Young adults aged 15-25 tend to lose and gain weight quickly. At this age, they are incredibly active and have various food and lifestyle habits which shows the results in the body swiftly. At the age of 30, people find it difficult to lose weight. Many interviewees in this article also shared that they can easily get more sluggish and find it challenging to work actively just after 20. This is why you will hear people advise you to stay active at a young age so that there is less percentage of fat in your body, and as you age, your metabolism will not be significantly affected. 

Loss of muscle mass

Muscle mass reduction is also one of the most significant factors responsible for the change in metabolism: 15-25 is a vital age range where your body experiences many shifts due to the upsurge of hormones. One of those hormones is called the growth hormone, responsible for your muscle growth, height, and many other things. After 30, the secretion of growth hormone drops significantly, and thus, this may lead to cell damage and muscle loss. Your body fat will try to replace the muscle loss, and therefore, your metabolism will decrease, and it will be difficult for you to lose weight. 


Symptoms Of Metabolism Change

Many visible symptoms will tell you that you have low metabolism. The list of symptoms are as follows:


  • Do you often feel sluggish and tired? This may be an alarming sign that your metabolism might have dropped significantly. In order to cure this, go for a walk every morning and evening and try to complete 10000 steps every day.
  • Dry and patchy skin: This may vary from person to person, depending on the skin type. If you have dry skin, you might end up having oily skin. But you will notice that your skin might become loose and have discoloration in some areas. You might even see an increase in acne on your skin.
  • Excessive hair loss: This is one of the most common signs of slow metabolism. With age, 98% of people experience hair loss. This indicates that the metabolism rate is decreasing gradually.
  • Stiffness in body and losing body flexibility: You might have heard old age people say that their body has become stiff and they face difficulty doing regular activities that they could do easily at a young age. This shows that their metabolism rate has decreased drastically, which has led to a decrease in energy levels.


The more you’re aging, the harder those symptoms are to deal with. Thus, many specialists from HealthCanal Magazine are recommending taking supplements for your better wellness.


Experiencing low metabolism is a widespread symptom in old age people. The best cure for this is to change your lifestyle. Go out for walks, exercise and eat healthy food. Have a balanced diet and keep your body active, even in your old age days.