Atlanta Hawks guard Trae Young took issue with a play by Memphis Grizzlies guard Grayson Allen from Saturday’s game, apparently feeling Allen tried to intentionally trip him.

Young was coming off a screen as Allen trailed behind and their feet tangled, with Young stumbling a bit on the play.

“Damn… tell me what y’all see!! Smh,” Young tweeted on Sunday. “this gotta stop.! #ifyoudontknownowyouknow”

Allen has a reputation for tripping opponents, going back to his time at Duke. In 2017, coach Mike Krzyzewski disciplined Allen for repeated tripping incidents.

Allen sarcastically responded to Young on Twitter: “Damn that must’ve really really hurt. I’m sorry. I hope you’re okay.”

Allen and Young have a little history. Young received a technical foul for shoving Allen in a preseason game this year. Before that, Young and Allen scuffled in a summer league game in 2018 as rookies.

The visiting Hawks beat the Grizzlies 122-112 on Saturday, with Young scoring a game-high 36 points to go with nine assists.

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