The Buffalo Bills are one of the National Football League’s most loved, respected, and accomplished teams. After a fantastic year in 2022, expectations for the team was high. Now, however, there are many pundits claiming that the Super Bowl window has closed on the team for good. In this article, we would like to explore this claim, and see just how true it is.

Has the Window Closed?

Just a year ago, the Bills were superstars. They won 13 of their 16 regular season games, they participated in a match that pundits, commentators, analysts, and most importantly, fans dubbed “the greatest game in the NFL post season,” and they were THE favorite to win the Super Bowl. All of this led to some pretty high expectations placed on the team for 2023.

So, what happened? According to many pundits, the Buffalo Bills’ Super Bowl window has officially closed. The aforementioned “greatest game in the NFL post season” that we discussed saw the Buffalo Bills go against the Kansas City Chiefs. And though the Bills were the favorite to win, not just at the bookies, but in most people’s hearts, the Kansas City Chiefs managed to pull out a victory.

The devastating loss did not just disappoint many fans, but also quite a lot of bettors, who staked quite a bit on the Bills. And with online sportsbooks like Caesars growing in popularity, there are a lot more bettors now than ever. You can check out the Caesars sportsbook review, and see just how much sports betting has grown in the past couple of years.

But, back to our main point; do these pundits have a point? Is it really all over for the Buffalo Bills? Has their window truly closed?

The Window is Half-Open

We are here to say that, while the wind may be blowing the window shut, the Bills are standing on the other side, boldly pushing back against the hurricane. The window remains half-open, and the Bills may just emerge on the other side as heroes. The following are just a few of the reasons we have to believe that it isn’t over for the Buffalo team.

  • Josh Allen: Josh Allen remains one of the elite quarterbacks of the NFL. Easily comparable to greats like Patrick Mahomes, Allen is the Bills’ ace in the hole in this game. As long as he is on their side, the window will remain open.
  • The Roster: But, one man can’t carry a team. The Bills need a strong roster, and indeed, they have one. Not to mention, the Bills’ roster has only improved, so they are going forward with a much bigger shot at the Super Bowl.

Final Thoughts

Are the Buffalo Bills the likeliest team to win the upcoming Super Bowl? No, probably not. However, should they be discounted completely? Absolutely not. They are still stacked with great players and lead by one of the top quarterbacks in the current game. The window may not be wide open, but it isn’t fully closed either.