This could be a first recorded foul in a pickup game that the cops were called in for. You just never hear of this ever happening. I’m a gym rat myself, and have never ever seen this kind of cowardly move.
Today for the first time in my life…I experienced someone call the police because they got fouled hard in basketball.
— Assistant to the Regional Manager (@_togs) July 17, 2018
It was an aggressive screen and dude fell lol
— Assistant to the Regional Manager (@_togs) July 17, 2018
He gets up tells everyone he’s going to call the police and walks out leaving everyone in gym confused
— Assistant to the Regional Manager (@_togs) July 17, 2018
Cop finally comes and brings them out the gym to talk like it was an elementary school fight. You could tell he was blown cause his time was wasted
— Assistant to the Regional Manager (@_togs) July 17, 2018
You can check out some video of the cops arriving below. This is too funny.