Via Golf Digest

“Eddie hit his shots to the green, then came over to tell us he had run out of balls,” said a rather bemused Kaymer after completing his own round of 69. “Then he walked off. I thought he lost four or five. We are about 80 percent sure it was five, 20 percent four. He was quick, so it was hard to keep track. He did not ask if he could borrow one from me or George. It did not look like he wanted to play. He did not putt with his putter on the third hole; he putted with a wedge. So there was a lot happening.

“I have never seen anything like that before. I only watched it on television, in ‘Tin Cup.’ This is the first time I have seen it live.”

Well that’s a first. 

You clearly have to fire your caddy, no? 

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