Via MMA Mania:

Soon thereafter, Carano says an impatient White sent her a nasty text message calling her a “bitch.” Initially, she thought Dana sent it to her by accident, only to find out it was no accident at all.

“So, then he kept on doing that and kept on doing that and I’m still searching and feeling all that pressure. He then sent me a text message that said, ‘This bitch is effin’ us around,’ or something like that.”

“So I sent a text message back and said, ‘I think that you sent that to the wrong person?’ And he said, ‘I don’t think I did.’ And that was the last conversation that we ever had over text message because I don’t think that was the kind of environment that I wanted to come back into. So I just cut off all communication after that text.”

That doesn’t sound like Dana White…

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