Via The Citizen:
Shannon Brown, 34, was charged with one count of aggravated assault, according to Fayette County Jail records.
Tyrone Police Department spokesman Philip Nelson said a man and woman who said they were looking for homes for sale at approximately 6 p.m. stopped at a home in the River Oaks subdivision off Ga. Highway 74. The home has a for sale sign outside, Nelson added.
The couple told police the gate to the property was open, as was the front door, Nelson said, adding that the couple maintained they announced their presence as they entered the home, and that someone inside the home said, “Come in.”
At one point, Brown emerged holding a rifle, with the couple telling police they withdrew from the house and that Brown fired five or six rounds in their direction as they were leaving, Nelson said.
First of all you can’t just walk in to a house because it’s on the market. You also can’t invite someone in then shoot a rifle at them. It’s an all around bizarre story.
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