We were all honored to pray over our President last week at the White House and are always so greatly encouraged by the Facts that are discussed regarding policy and seeing our Christian values being supported, reinstated and upheld by our President. We are compelled to voice great strength toward and support for President, Donald J. Trump. Our focus is on Policy which dictates the direction of the country, in lieu of personal opinion or how personality may affect any and/or all of us. We vote according to our Christian values which this President supports and fights tirelessly to bring back and preserve for us, our children and our children’s children. We are sons and daughters of Christ first! His Ways come first, above all else! Above our feelings, opinions, or any other thing. Facts: It would be impossible to list all the accomplishments and facts. Here are a few that many are unaware of: African Americans are enjoying greater economic prosperity thanks to President Trump’s pro-growth policies. The unemployment rate for African Americans remains at 5.5%, the lowest level in history. Incomes for African American families are up and poverty has fallen to record lows. The African American poverty rate reached a new low in 2018, with over 300,000 people lifted out of poverty since 2017. Criminal Justice Reform: President Trump has committed his administration to advancing second chances hiring for former prisoners. President Trump is supporting our nation’s historically black colleges and universities. He signed legislation to significantly increase Federal Funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (HBCUs). It’s a very difficult time in our nation. Prayer is imperative by all Christians. We know there is great division in this country today. The facts are real. Please visit whitehouse.gov for Factual Information in the midst of a highly emotional season. Please keep our President @realdonaldtrump in prayer. We continue to pray for everyone and our country! Stay encouraged! Persecution always comes when standing for truth! Many Blessings??s

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