Not only did news that Tom Brady is expected to join the Tampa Bay Buccaneers increase levels of interest for season tickets,  some fans reported online waits of over an hour behind 5,000 and even 6,000 others, it also upped the price, a source confirmed.

Season tickets are now 15% more than last year due to such high demand.

RELATED:  Buccaneers Drop Epic Hype Video After Tom Brady Officially Signs

For instance, a ticket in the lower levels near the 20-yard line now costs $161 per game (10 games, eight regular-season and two preseason) when it previously was $136.85. The Bucs’ most affordable ticket costs $40.30 per game now when it previously cost $34.25 (all prices are before taxes and fees are added).

Some fans are not too happy with the increase. 

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