This week Bruce Arians was quoted as saying Antonio Brown has changed and become too much of a diva, and that this isn’t the same Brown who was drafted in 2010.
Bruce Arians Sees Way Too Much 'Diva' In Antonio Brown
— (@sportsgossip) January 16, 2019
Brown, of course, took to Twitter to respond, and decided to drag an old teammate into the mess:
He didn’t draft me he drafted @ESanders_10 same guy who missed rehab to go on networks to talk about me on situation he have zero clue! Arians now wears kangoo hats n glasses ? but ima diva! Done seen it all then they say we friends stop lien
— Antonio Brown (@AB84) January 16, 2019
Sanders shot back at Brown with his own thumbs Wednesday, explaining he was just doing his temporary job as a television analyst, recommending Brown “get off the gas” and finishing an emphatic 230 characters with “You did it to yourself.”
@AB84 ???? you know damn well I didn’t travel to LA to talk about you fam. You trippin yo. I went to be a analyst in which you acting foolish was the topic and I gave my analytical opinion. Get off the gas yo. You did it to yourself
— Emmanuel Sanders (@ESanders_10) January 16, 2019
“Looking back at Pittsburgh, it was Antonio [Brown’s] destiny to be over there by himself and with no help,” Sanders said. “Because you want to talk about a guy, man, they feed him the ball. Being the No. 2 receiver over there is not fun at times.”
There’s some history and some deep-seated anger here.
This should carry on all off season long.
At least the drama with AB will.