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Okay #Roommates, if you’re caught up on the #BasketballWives tea then you’re aware that it was a battle of the receipts on last night’s episode! _____________________________________ On the episode, #EvelynLozada shared that she contacted her ex #ChadOchocinco to confirm if he and OG had any dealings with one another after OG alleged that they did. _____________________________________ Chad apparently hit Evelyn back with receipts that she printed and showed to the group as a collective. With that being said, #OG pulled out her own receipts of the conversation she says she had with Chad. What’s clear is that OG and Chad have definitely exchanged some words, however, on one hand there was a full conversation–and on the other there was crickets. With all receipts infront of you, whose tea is more Lipton–Evelyn’s crickets receipts, or OG’s conversing receipts? ?: @basketballwives

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Well there you have it. 

Case closed? 

Wanna see more Evelyn?  Click Here —–> Evelyn’s Hottest Shots

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