Sticking to a diet regime is really tough. Most of the people quit halfway the diet regime. Some because they can’t stop their tempt to eat fast foods and some because they’re unable to prepare meals every day because of their busy schedule. Weight-loss shakes can definitely help you fight the cravings and stop you from indulging in those empty calories.

What are weight loss shakes?

Something that replaces one or two of your meals every day, helps you cut the calories and reduce the food you eat on a daily basis is a weight loss shake. These shakes are filled with nutrients that your body needs and are capable of replacing your meals.

Weight-loss or meal replacement shakes often come in powder format which can be consumed by mixing it with either water or milk. However, the best way to consume weight-loss shakes is with water. Milk increases the total calorie intake but it also enhances the taste of the shake.

You can buy a weight-loss shake of your favorite flavors including strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, banana, and more. You can also add chopped fruits to increase nutrients and to enhance the taste of the shake.

Are Weight-loss shakes safe?

Weight loss shakes are completely safe to drink. These shakes comprise healthy as well as less healthy ingredients but it doesn’t make the shake unsafe to consume.

However, they’re just meal replacement shakes, they are not meant to replace your traditional meals completely. These shakes can provide your body the proteins, fiber, essential minerals, but they can’t provide antioxidants or enzymes. Therefore, eating a full meal is also important.

How Does Meal Replacement work?

Meal replacement or weight-loss shakes are kilojoule-controlled products. They conserve lean mass in your body and facilitate rapid weight loss at the same time. They are usually packed with a few kilojoule protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

You need to make sure that you are buying the right weight-loss shake. Read the label behind the bottle to ensure it contains enough ingredients to replace your whole meal.

Scientific Results on Weight-loss Shakes

Lots of scientific studies published until date suggests that weight loss shakes generate positive results, given that you exercise regularly. One of the research published in the magazine “Nutrition Journal” demonstrated that people who used weight loss shakes lost 12% of their body weight during a 40-week period.

Another study published in “Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism” indicates that people using weight loss shakes lost 2% more body fat than those following diet book suggestions.

Using Weight loss Shakes successfully

All shakes are different. All contain different amount of nutritional values or satiation qualities. You need to make sure which one aligns more with your fitness goals, satisfaction level and has nutritious ingredients within your calorie count.

You can also have a small amount of meal along with weight loss shakes such as apple, brown rice, or other low-calorie food. Chewing increases satisfaction and can help you stick to weight loss shakes for a long time.

Advantages of Weight-loss Shakes

Reduces Preparation time: You don’t need to worry about the time needed to prepare healthy meals. Just mix some water and your weight loss shake is ready.

Reduces Calorie Intake: These shakes provide fewer calories when compared to a normal meal but contains all the required nutrients.

Faster Weight loss: Weight loss shakes lead to more weight loss than a meal with the same number of calories.

Weight loss shakes are not sustainable after a few months. So, it’s better if you don’t rely solely on weight loss shakes for your fitness goal. However, carry a few meal replacement shakes with you when traveling as it will help you stick to your goal as per the Dr. Oliver a nutrition expert at

Final Thoughts

Weight loss shakes are good for short term weight loss goals. However, the best way to accomplish long-term weight loss goals is by making some minor changes in your lifestyle and making it more healthy. Make sure that you exercise on a regular basis, don’t consume unhealthy foods too much, and count your calories.

Choose a weight loss shake that you enjoy and the one that also aligns with your fitness goal. A combination of a traditional meal and weight loss shake along with regular physical activity can help you lose weight.