We received a tweet that claims Browns rookie quarterback Baker Mayfield blocked a model on Twitter because she refused to perform a sex act on him. After we did a little digging, it appears as if the account making the claim is a fake account.
Below is the tweet from a Peyton Lipsett.
We were a little skeptical of the account because none of the pictures show a clear shot of “Peyton’s” face. We became even more skeptical when we clicked the Instagram url in the Twitter account’s bio and it came up with the page isn’t available message.
That seems to indicate that it could have been removed because it was a fake account that was impersonating someone else. An issue Instagram handles really well.
Sure enough, we were able to locate the real account that pictures belonged to.
Now we do live in the world of gossip and that can sometimes be a little tricky, but when possible, we try to do as much fact checking as we possibly can. Unfortunately, for now anyway, this little piece of juicy gossip appears to be fake news.