[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”27″ sortorder=”365,364,11250,360,361,11249,11244,11246,350,356,362,351,11238,11243,366,11241,11237,352,353,354,11239,11240,355,359,11247,11236,11242,358,11245,357,11248,363″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Phoenix Suns star, Devin Booker, was seen with Kendall Jenner in his car on a road trip and the tabloid world is enthralled.

And evidently Booker went on a double date with this ex and Jenner/Simmons a couple of years ago.

In the end, after the Twitter buzz around the event, Jenner pushed back with a trashy, albeit funny line how she can sleep with whomever she wants.

Now we’ve found some evidence suggesting Booker has been hot on Kendall’s trail for a long time.

RELATED:  Devin Booker’s Girlfriend Hannah Harrison Blocks Him and Sends Out a Message After Kendall Jenner Road Trip

And she was pretty young when he was tweeting about her ‘Being His’

The ripe old age of 17.

Of course he was only 16 when he made the comment.

Flip the Page to see the receipts:
