DeMarcus Cousins has an arrest warrant in Alabama for threatening to shoot his ex-girlfriend Cristy West in the head.  He was upset after she refused to let the couple’s son attend his wedding.

A couple of days ago West took to her Instagram Story and revealed the reason she wouldn’t let their son attend the wedding. 

According to West, Boogie violated the terms of their court agreement earlier in the summer.  He allegedly kept their son days past the time he was supposed to return him to his mother.

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In a he said, she said situation we can only go by what either of them says.  If Boogie did keep him past the day he was supposed to have him back with his mother, then her refusal makes perfect sense.

This is why you have to put your feelings for each other aside and do what’s best for your kids.  Things have gone way too far if you’re getting to a point where you’re threatening one another.

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