Deion Sanders is being extra cautious.

Houston is where Takeoff of the famed rap group Migos was killed during a dispute over a dice game early Tuesday. Deion Sanders and his undefeated Jackson State team are heading to Houston for a game Saturday against Texas Southern.

Sanders is not taking any chances. He has told his Tigers players they are forbidden from leaving the team hotel.

“Takeoff was murdered in a dice game in Houston — where we’re going,” Sanders said in a team meeting Tuesday. “So, that eliminates all y’all leaving that hotel, ’cause it ain’t happening until I give you further notice.”

Deion Sanders explained his rationale:

“You cannot kick it with the same dudes you kicked it with,” he said. “You cannot associate in the same realms that you associated with. You gon’ have to change if you expect change.

“I’m sad because it always seems like it’s us, but we wanna say we matter, we wanna say we keep it 100, but it’s always us!”

Deion Sanders truly cares about his players, that much you can tell.  

RIP Takeoff,  he will be missed. 

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