The soccer superstar made an embarrassing gaffe when he was presented with the Serie A trophy.

Ronaldo was accompanied by his eight-year-old son Cristiano Jr, his girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez and his mother.

When he was handed the Scudetto trophy,  Ronaldo was seemingly unaware of the top-heavy nature of the Trophy, as it swayed side to side while in his grasp.

And as it did, Ronaldo accidentally caught his son in the face with the sharp-looking top edge of the trophy.

Watch below:  

Footage of the embarrassing incident led to a bevy of fan comments aimed at Ronaldo, who appeared not to react after noticing his son had been hurt by the trophy.

One fan responded with a GIF of Ronaldo’s Brazilian rival Neymar looking dumbfounded with the caption: “He didn’t even care.”

Not a very GOAT like move.

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