I mean christ….@HuskerFBNation pic.twitter.com/nv0RLbO6fD
— Jake Billerbeck (@Jake_Billerbeck) May 1, 2020
This is why Nebraska hasn't won a national championship since Dr. Tom. https://t.co/GrbbciER3D
— CFB Home (@CFBHome) May 2, 2020
Wtf is going on in Nebraska? https://t.co/NisrQSMBZX
— Andrenochrome Matt (@RestingBastard) May 2, 2020
things are getting weird in Nebraska https://t.co/rWFbI8Ak2p
— Tee-Will (@willreed441) May 2, 2020
The coaching staff must take action. Indefinite suspension https://t.co/j0sbiil9Ly
— cole from Greenwood? (@colefromIrving) May 2, 2020
I. Hate. This. Generation. https://t.co/hVMQlpr2Zb
— Risky Henderson (@Noles850) May 2, 2020
Can't figure how these guys suck so bad year in and out……oh…………………….. https://t.co/NOWwhQgCFu
— Sam Chatham (@realSamChatham) May 2, 2020
Husker fans have come a long ways. Take that however you would like. https://t.co/AgUb8J87gV
— Chad Meirose (@SloSHO) May 2, 2020
This why Nebraska goes 4-8 every year…. https://t.co/lkvjbeoOqC
— LC (@logancummins33) May 2, 2020
Brown reportedly received scholarship offers from Northwest Missouri State, Augustana and UNK, but opted to walk on to Nebraska instead.
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