SBG Ireland head coach John Kavanagh, who has trained the Irish UFC champion since his teenage years, says that would need to be ‘convinced’ to be in the corner for Conor McGregor on his return to the UFC.  

According to comments he made in an interview with Ireland’s Sunday Independent, their partnership may be coming to an end.  

Kavanagh says that he needs some clarity before committing to another UFC bout with his most famous student.

Kavanagh  added that McGregor showed some chinks in his armour against Khabib – particularly in the second round when he was dropped for the first time in his career, courtesy of a monstrous overhand right.

He continued on. 

“Honestly? I don’t know. Will he fight again? I don’t know. I know him as a person and know that coming off two losses – even though one was boxing – will be hard for him. But he’s 30, two kids, and has a big whiskey deal that’s making him more money than fighting ever did.

“Would you get up in the morning to be punched in the face? I don’t think so. But he’ll probably call me tomorrow and say: ‘What did you say that for? I’m fighting in March.’ So I don’t know.”

McGregor’s next fight is still unclear. 

Sounds like his trainer either wants a big marquee fight, or no fight at all. 

In other Conor McGregor news, there’s rumors that he’s being accused of a heinous crime. 

Check out the tweet below: 

Check out some of the screenshots below: 

Something is definitely up. 

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