Dak Prescott
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Dak Prescott

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Did we hit a nerve? SJ with a really desperate attempt at content and showing she’s a great mom. OMG. SJ, going to say this again since I know you read this. Pictures prove nothing. You wanted pics of yourself in a bathing suit, but knew Dak will never repost them unless MJ is in the pic. They look phony as heck. And they were taken in Oxnard about 6-8 weeks ago. I’m guessing your buddy Summer took them. Those pics don’t prove squat about your ability to be a good mom.

3 reasons those pics appeared:

SJ posted almost nothing on IG from the game and I’m sure her “fans” wanted something. She is addicted to producing content and is close to 100k followers so she was panicking to get something out.

Dak plays along because it would be horrible for his image to not only knock up a “groupie”, but for her to be a lousy mother to boot. He’s propping her up with some meh words. His comment on his story “we are lucky to have you” is what a parent would write in a “Happy Nanny’s Day” card.

Trying to create content around the new house is tough without giving away she’s moved….again. She’s posting more and more pics without MJ. The only pic of her on Sunday was her being held by someone else. Becoming a TikTok celeb is more important. 

Dak needs to take God out of this mess. I’m certain God isn’t pleased with how MJ came into this world and now all the work being put into lying about this relationship isn’t what the Lord was hoping to see either. There’s no law saying any of this has to be shared. The way SJ reacts to comments made by total strangers on the internet shows a lack of emotional stability.

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