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Dak Prescott

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Posted by: @bugaboo

Wonder if SJ is reading our little forum?

They all do.

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@bugaboo 😂 I was thinking the same thing when I saw she started following Erin. She's so obvious..If she gets the gifts good for her. It will be part of her memories when her and Dak break up lol

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Posted by: @queenie

@bugaboo 😂 I was thinking the same thing when I saw she started following Erin. She's so obvious..If she gets the gifts good for her. It will be part of her memories when her and Dak break up lol

What it said was Dak hadn’t told Erin he had a gf. She usually sends/brings some of her merch for the wife/gf of the home team QB. Lauryn Rush got stuff, but nothing for SJ. So now she follows Erin and probably told Dak to let Erin know who his gf is. It’s really so sad. Just go buy it yourself.

SJ is still in Dallas. She has a pic up of some donuts taken by Holly. So, she’s moved in I guess? I did notice that her company has several locations in the Dallas area. Wonder if she is planning on working or just live off of her rich bf and feed Dak some BS line about not working during the season? Seemed odd to get donuts since Dak claims he really doesn’t eat that stuff and SJ keeps covering up her belly. She is following Dr James D who is a pharmacist who pushes healthy living and weight loss! So silly!!!!

Looks like she’s been getting DMs asking her to follow people—realtors, hair stylists and whatever. She seems very naive and buys their line about being important etc. NB did that for awhile too. Thing is she’s really nothing in this big celeb world. They just use her to maybe get a little closer to Dak and the team.

If she hasn’t realized it yet, she soon will that cleaning up after 3 adult dogs and 1 puppy with your bf gone most of the time is lonely and not at all glamorous. Maybe this is her bday present?


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Posted by: @bugaboo

Posted by: @queenie

@bugaboo 😂 I was thinking the same thing when I saw she started following Erin. She's so obvious..If she gets the gifts good for her. It will be part of her memories when her and Dak break up lol

What it said was Dak hadn’t told Erin he had a gf. She usually sends/brings some of her merch for the wife/gf of the home team QB. Lauryn Rush got stuff, but nothing for SJ. So now she follows Erin and probably told Dak to let Erin know who his gf is. It’s really so sad. Just go buy it yourself.

SJ is still in Dallas. She has a pic up of some donuts taken by Holly. So, she’s moved in I guess? I did notice that her company has several locations in the Dallas area. Wonder if she is planning on working or just live off of her rich bf and feed Dak some BS line about not working during the season? Seemed odd to get donuts since Dak claims he really doesn’t eat that stuff and SJ keeps covering up her belly. She is following Dr James D who is a pharmacist who pushes healthy living and weight loss! So silly!!!!

Looks like she’s been getting DMs asking her to follow people—realtors, hair stylists and whatever. She seems very naive and buys their line about being important etc. NB did that for awhile too. Thing is she’s really nothing in this big celeb world. They just use her to maybe get a little closer to Dak and the team.

If she hasn’t realized it yet, she soon will that cleaning up after 3 adult dogs and 1 puppy with your bf gone most of the time is lonely and not at all glamorous. Maybe this is her bday present?


Oh Lord this is the beginning of the end. It looks like she has left Florida and is in Dallas permanently. Yeah she'll get royal treatment like NB until she gets completely bored. Also she also has to realize Dak's number one priority is football. She's just there so he can have company. Her birthday gift won't be what she wants. 

I agree that she needs to cut it out with the sweets around Dak. I mean being in his life you have to know that he takes his health seriously especially if he wants to play for Dallas another four years.


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Oh Lord this is the beginning of the end. It looks like she has left Florida and is in Dallas permanently. Yeah she'll get royal treatment like NB until she gets completely bored. Also she also has to realize Dak's number one priority is football. She's just there so he can have company. Her birthday gift won't be what she wants. 

If she’s pregnant, it makes more sense. Not right, but makes more sense I guess. Still doesn’t guarantee this relationship turns out well. If this is just “I’m in love and can’t live without him” it’s doomed. She quit her job, left her friends/family and moved in with a triple type A pro athlete. NB was local so if she needed a break from being at the Palace, she could go to her condo or spend time with some of her friends in Dallas. SJ doesn’t have that at all. She better not think Tad/Holly will take her side if she complains about Dak. They are Dak’s family not hers.

He treats her like a family friend. She really isn’t truly included in his life.

So does Dak give her an allowance? NB was able to pay her own way, but SJ doesn’t have that kind of $. This whole move has been planned for awhile since she was able to spend the whole bye week in Dallas.

She’s in a position where things will have to get real bad before she will leave. Bet many of WAGa/media saw this coming. They meet SJ and she’s from Tampa with a job, then spends part of every week with Dak and then moves in. She should have clout chaser tattooed on her butt.

There was a question about Dak dating girls with jobs other than NB. They’ve had jobs, but not well paying jobs. Rosette was trying to set up her own event planning business (gave up on that), SJ sold booze and a couple were “models.” He’s never dated a girl with a career. I’m sure SJ looked at Dak and saw an out from her job. 


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SJ and Holly in Tampa. It makes me wonder does Holly and all of Dak's friends get tired of him switching women which  then they have to entertain them and friend them. Holly was just literally loving NB and doing things with her. Guess that comes with your famous QB brother in-law. I'm just wondering does she talk to NB on the sly? I wonder who she likes better lol? I just have so many questions. 

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Posted by: @queenie

SJ and Holly in Tampa. It makes me wonder does Holly and all of Dak's friends get tired of him switching women which  then they have to entertain them and friend them. Holly was just literally loving NB and doing things with her. Guess that comes with your famous QB brother in-law. I'm just wondering does she talk to NB on the sly? I wonder who she likes better lol? I just have so many questions. 

My bad. The donut shop has locations in Tampa and Dallas so they were in Tampa on Thursday. Looks like SJ is cultivating the relationship with Holly because she really doesn’t know many people well in DFW. Guess Holly went to celebrate SJ’s bday in Tampa. 

Is there a manual for WAGs? SJ seems to stepped right into that role. She latched onto a wealthy well known QB, spent excessive time at his house, quit her job and has started the life of an “influencer.” Why do these females think they are well known/important? Honestly, who really cares what eyelashes SJ uses?
I would love to know how Dak’s friends/family deal with the multiple gfs? NB was friendly with Holly. She was also very friendly with Brian Egan and he accompanies SJ on her expensive restaurant trips. This season we haven’t seen much of Cobi, Treez etc. I know they’ve been at a game or two, but seem have realized they don’t have to post pics from the games to show they are Dak’s friends. Haven’t seen them in any pics with SJ.
Many of these WAGs, really don’t care about the guy they leach off. I see it in SJ. Nov. 4 was the 10th anniversary of Peggy’s passing. Jori Epstein wrote a lovely article about it. It’s on her twitter. Dak and Tad reposted it as did several friends. SJ and Holly did not. So, tough day for your bf and you post about the eyelashes that you use? NB made a couple of similar posts. Just completely tone deaf and self centered.
Once again, no pic of SJ below the shoulders.

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Is today (Sunday, 11/5) her birthday or yesterday? Anyone know how old she is?

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Is today (Sunday, 11/5) her birthday or yesterday? Anyone know how old she is?

She’ll be 30 whenever her bday is. Last year she had a party posted on Nov. 11 on IG, but not sure exactly when her bday is. She and Holly flew back to TX today so that bday cake etc was from her family I think. An early bday to send your slut daughter off to live with her rich bf.

If you see her many stories today, you’ll see that she’s also bringing a dog with her. She’s really moving in. I saw a pic of her and a dog from 7/4/22 on her IG. Dak loves dogs so I’m sure she thinks he’ll be thrilled with 1 more. Assuming Legend and Icon are alive and well, this will make 5 dogs in the Palace. Have fun cleaning that up and keeping all the dogs happy.

So SJ is trying to send something to The Spun. She has a pic of the game on her phone while on the plane. Says “Let’s go 4.” We’re back to not using his name and she didn’t tag him. What makes her posts funny is, the pic from the game is the Philly offense (Jalen Hurts) and the Cowboys D. Dak wasn’t even on the field. I wonder if she even knows offense vs defense. Maybe she doesn’t care.

So her bday week will be her bf getting home being pretty sore and pissed off (he said he’s always PO’d after a loss). Does she expect a nice bday celebration? Team will want to get right back at it so they can destroy the Giants on Sunday.


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Posted by: @bugaboo

She has a pic of the game on her phone while on the plane. Says “Let’s go 4.” We’re back to not using his name and she didn’t tag him.

How long before the 4 necklace shows up? Lol

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Posted by: @bugaboo

So her bday week will be her bf getting home being pretty sore and pissed off (he said he’s always PO’d after a loss). Does she expect a nice bday celebration?

She's so excited to be the latest Palace Princess, she doesn't care. She has Holly to lean on. 

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I get the vibe she's trying to be the anti-Natalie.

Natalie would show posts of meals prepared by Chef Hoppie at the Palace, SJ shows pics of frozen waffles and dry scrambled eggs. NB regularly showed off her designer, SJ dresses like a tomboy. NB flew private, SJ flies first class or semi-private (thanks to an influencer deal with JSX). 

Makes me wonder what Dak has told her about NB's lifestyle.

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Posted by: @bugaboo

She has a pic of the game on her phone while on the plane. Says “Let’s go 4.” We’re back to not using his name and she didn’t tag him.

How long before the 4 necklace shows up? Lol

Lol! NB should put it on eBay!!!!

In her “created for” the internet, she either uses “babe”or 4 and doesn’t tag him. Such a one way relationship………….again.

BTW—NB is in Vegas with Jack. She’s not showing his face yet.


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She's so excited to be the latest Palace Princess, she doesn't care. She has Holly to lean on. 

Love Palace Princess! So she’s #3? Rosette was 1 and then NB was 2? Maybe there was someone before that? She has to know she’s another in a long line of girls that sell their souls to live with him. And none of them made it permanent.
She is triggered big time. She probably told her friends/fam about moving in and now she HAS to show them what a great life she has. This am she has a pic of the new puppy inside looking out and her dog outside. Again showing little of Dak’s house other than a part of the pool. There obviously are restrictions on what she can show. This whole arrangement is very bizarre. Her reward for being good on sm is “Dak fan pic?” I’m sure she took the pic long after Dak left for the Star and will be there all day. This one has real issues.

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

I get the vibe she's trying to be the anti-Natalie.

Natalie would show posts of meals prepared by Chef Hoppie at the Palace, SJ shows pics of frozen waffles and dry scrambled eggs. NB regularly showed off her designer, SJ dresses like a tomboy. NB flew private, SJ flies first class or semi-private (thanks to an influencer deal with JSX). 

Makes me wonder what Dak has told her about NB's lifestyle.

Shes NB on a budget!! I think we undervalued how much $ NB really had. SJ certainly doesn’t have that kind of $ so it will be interesting to see what she does with Dak’s money. If he is funding her life in this relationship, how much does he spend or let SJ give the appearance of the rich kept wh***. He has quite a few rules in place this time. Honestly. I think Dak looks at it as “if she doesn’t like it, maybe she’s not for me and can leave.” 

SJ is scary because she has walked away from her life in Tampa/Miami. She thinks that starting completely over with Dak will be this fairy tale life. She will lie and exaggerate about her life in TX. She already is acting desperate with all the posts in the last 2 days.
I figure we’ll know when her bday is due to IG bday wishes—-not necessarily from Dak though. Heck, she can’t even tag him or use his name.

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