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Posted by: @bugaboo

Next week is a game in Phoenix. Not an exciting city and WAGs usually don’t go to many away games other than the 1st one. Will be interesting to see what she does.

She'll be there. No reason for her not to be. Not like her job ties her down.

Posted by: @bugaboo

Right you are, Judy! SJ went from Palm Springs to Tempe (about 30 minutes from the stadium) yesterday and was at Boots in the Park. It’s a 2 day country music event. She’s there with some friends—-male and female. SJ has only 1 story saying God and Country music, but a friend @taylorlovingood has more pics up in her stories. The other 2 girls had shorts/sleeveless shirts on and SJ had a billowy fitting long sleeve top? with maybe shorts? The pic of SJ was from the back and it was dark. 

Wonder why SJ didn’t post any other pics? The only way to figure out where she was is from the other girl’s pics. 

Players have time off on Friday pm/night and then maybe a few hours after Sat. practice. Why not go back to Dallas and spend some time with your guy? Maybe he doesn’t want you there or you’re too caught up in your sm life? We have seen that trying to see players privately (especially Dak) after a game is just about impossible. So apparently trying to work in quality time with her bf, isn’t a priority.


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Posted by: @bugaboo

Right you are, Judy! SJ went from Palm Springs to Tempe (about 30 minutes from the stadium) yesterday and was at Boots in the Park.

She should've stayed in Tampa. Another jinx, just like NB.

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"God and Country Music" gives me Trump supporter vibes.

I really, really hope for Dak's sake that's not the case. I know he's not but if she is, it's going to be another reason for people to come down on him.

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Dak stans on another fan site have noticed the lack of chemistry between SJ and Dak and his overall unhappiness with life. 

I totally agree with this comment:

"And apparently he ain’t all that happy with SJ. Cuz I’m a firm believer in a woman’s essence/energy will definitely enhance her man in all walks of life."

Something is off with Dak. This new relationship is not cutting it for him. I wonder how much influence Holly has? Is she giving SJ an advantage right now? Maybe football isn't fun for him anymore? He definitely misses Kellen Moore. But whatever his issues are, Sara MAGA Jane is definitely not filling the void.

They also suggested Dak needs a Black woman in his romantic life, lol. I also agree with that. Would be a miracle if it happens. Black women aren't his preference, plus I think he's intimidated by them.

This post was modified 12 months ago 2 times by Audrey Hepburn

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Dak stans on another fan site have noticed the lack of chemistry between SJ and Dak and his overall unhappiness with life. 

I totally agree with this comment:

"And apparently he ain’t all that happy with SJ. Cuz I’m a firm believer in a woman’s essence/energy will definitely enhance her man in all walks of life."

Something is off with Dak. This new relationship is not cutting it for him. I wonder how much influence Holly has? Is she giving SJ an advantage right now? Maybe football isn't fun for him anymore? He definitely misses Kellen Moore. But whatever his issues are, Sara MAGA Jane is definitely not filling the void.

ITA with the post about Dak not getting anything out of this relationship. Honestly, she’s not around that much (texting doesn’t count) and then when she is physically in Prosper/Dallas he’s busy with football. She doesn’t give him any reason to not spend every hour focused on football.

Some media mentioned that Dak (and others) have seemed so seriously even after a win. Maybe he’s afraid to appear like this is fun? I think he misses Zeke! Zeke is a brother to him. Their lockers were next to each other for 7 years, always warmed up together before a game and led the team out before every game. I noticed today, Dak (alone) leads the QBs out. Dak always had Zeke in the huddle to lean on. I think it’s hard for him at times. Another loss to deal with.

Holly has seemed to be the only female at games and she might welcome having SJ for company. In pics, it’s been Holly and the D4B at games. She can’t adopt SJ because she likes company.


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So SJ isn’t getting any attention from her sad little pic at the stadium. Taylor Swift was watching her new bf, Travis Kelce play so the gossip sites are all about her. LOL

SJ sure didn’t look like any Cowboys fan. Wasn’t wearing any swag at all. That sad cowboy hat didn’t do it. Bet she took the hat off by the 2nd qtr. She was in Dallas last weekend and could have grabbed a shirt, hat etc. She struck me as almost disinterested. Her friend had a pic of them holding hotdogs—-that’s it. Very lame. Doesn’t even come across as at the game to watch your bf.

So maybe this “date a NFL QB” isn’t as exciting as it seemed? Wonder if they talked about how to handle days after the Cowboys lose? Probably not. SJ just seems caught up in her IG world where she can get attention. I just get the feeling she hadn’t thought about the downside. I absolutely don’t support making nasty comments or DMs, but we know that will happen.

She’s still adding a few Dak follows, but adding more follows of people she knows. Maybe she’s figuring out, this Dak world isn’t what she wants? All of her IG posts lately are of her—-staying at resort hotel for business, nice country music festival, upscale restaurant in AZ for dinner the night before the game and the game. We see SJ, but no real connection to Dak other than trying to get attention as “his gf.” NB 2.0

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@audrey-hepburn What’s the name of the fansite?


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@thevirgoshe Lipstick Alley.

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@audrey-hepburn Idk I wouldn’t consider lsa as a fansite. They seem to hate him there, especially in the WAGs thread.

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@thevirgoshe There's one thread dedicated to him "Excuse My Lust for Dak Prescott" where his stans post. Not too bad in there. I just lurk and don't engage, though.

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SJ has been pretty quiet on IG since the loss Sunday. She's really playing the part. You would think her job would require her to be active on sm, though. 

Is she going to shut down every time Dak has a tough loss? Another one letting Dak totally takeover her life in a one-sided relationship. Does he even follow anyone from her circle? He still follows NB's mother. 

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NB posted an IG story yesterday titled “Swedish passport transformation” with her passport picture from 10 years ago vs. today. Wow, has that girl had some work done (nose, cheekbones, lips, Botox, etc)? All by age 25. She posted a response today to someone who asked about her plastic surgeries insisting she’s had nothing done but lip filler. Oh please.😂🤣 At least she hasn’t had a boob job like SJ.

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@kat She should just be honest about it. There's nothing wrong with plastic surgery when it's done tastefully.

We have eyes. That's not all aging transformation and make-up contouring. 

SJ's boobies, otoh, are way too big for her tiny frame.

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Posted by: @thevirgoshe

@audrey-hepburn Idk I wouldn’t consider lsa as a fansite. They seem to hate him there, especially in the WAGs thread.

If you’re looking at a typical Dallas Cowboys fansite, you will find very little about Dak’s love life. Most casual fans don’t really care unless there is some big negative like being arrested. NB got some recognition after the “engagement”, but that dropped off quickly. 

If his play is bad and IG pics pop up frequently with someone, some fans will start complaining about whoever it is, distracting him

Could you imagine how the internet would react if Dak was dating Taylor Swift or a celeb like that? The internet would explode!!! All of the Taylor Swift coverage pre-empted the baby WAGs like SJ.

Dak has never been a fav on LSA. After his bad boy years of 2017-18, he locked his private life down more and grew up some. 



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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

SJ has been pretty quiet on IG since the loss Sunday. She's really playing the part. You would think her job would require her to be active on sm, though. 

Is she going to shut down every time Dak has a tough loss? Another one letting Dak totally takeover her life in a one-sided relationship. Does he even follow anyone from her circle? He still follows NB's mother. 

Seems like after each game weekend, she goes dark until the next game or some lavish event through work. Her life seems focused on living a celeb life and trying to convince the IG world that this is so wonderful. There is nothing indicating she actually likes Dak as a person or even really knows him. She seems to know Dak QB, Dallas Cowboys. 

After a loss, she may have it easier in Tampa. A casual fan in Tampa probably doesn’t really care about Dak. Now if she lived in Dallas, would be a whole different story.

Doesn’t look like Dak has followed any of her friends/family. Dak followed NB’s bro/bro’s gf and doesn’t anymore. Maybe if NB gets serious with a guy, he’ll unfollow MommaB. 


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