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Posted by: @queenie

Let see how Dak does tonight.

Not great, so far.


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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Posted by: @queenie

Another note NB is in New York City as of three hours ago.

Interesting. Wonder why she's there??


Don’t exactly know why NB was in NYC. She and Momma B were in Boston on Saturday watching her new bf pitch. I’m not a baseball fan, but looks like the Orioles will be in the postseason so NB will have the chance to show up at more games. She has nothing else to do so following him around keeps her amused.

The Orioles are not playing in NYC this week. 


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Well damn, they officially just made their debut 🫠🥴

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I will say this … there is more affection between Dak & SJ in that photo than I ever saw with Dak & NB. They both look relaxed and happy. Not like the awkward, staged couple poses NB used to post.

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@audrey-hepburn Who knows?.Wonder did sh le catch that pic of SJ and Dak after the game? Pic is cringe cause she's locked on to him. He will never post that or any others with her.

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Posted by: @queenie

@audrey-hepburn Who knows?.Wonder did sh le catch that pic of SJ and Dak after the game? Pic is cringe cause she's locked on to him. He will never post that or any others with her.

The pic was taken after the game. Saw multiple other pics taken of players/family etc. There was a giant white tent set up next to the locker room  with white folding chairs. Saw pics of some of the other WAGs with their guys and Dak with Aiden Diggs.

This is a duplicate of the NB/Dak post game pic in Tampa in 2021. In both, Dak looks beat and the girl is making the huge smile. I’ll hand it to SJ that she’s taking advantage of the situation. She has NB’s playbook memorized! 

Of course, she’s following more and more of his friends. Kinda odd that she followed Hoppscott and then unfollowed it. She did the same thing with TexasCCF. 

She spent Saturday night with the WAGs and then dumped them for the game. Brian Egan and Luke Miller were at the game in a box, so I think that’s where SJ was. BE has been the kicking coach for Brandon Aubrey and Luke is Dak’s personal PT. 

That quote that Honeybee posted says it all about this one. If she isn’t pregnant now, she sure may be soon. This is absolutely a girl that is fixated on getting a celebrity. Period. 

Now the social media attention starts. She seems to be seeking it. It may note be as much fun as she thinks.


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"She" went official, not they. Same as Natalie. I know you'd probably want to shout it to the world if you were dating Dak but I'd wait until he posted me FIRST!

These chicks never learn.

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@kat Dak looks tired and forced. Same ole, same ole. Sigh.

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Posted by: @bugaboo

This is a duplicate of the NB/Dak post game pic in Tampa in 2021. In both, Dak looks beat and the girl is making the huge smile. I’ll hand it to SJ that she’s taking advantage of the situation. She has NB’s playbook memorized! 

But why, tho?? Where did it get Natalie? Heartbroken, that's where.

One of these women need the strength to be original. Bring something different to the table. They all read this forum. Have we been wrong? Nope!

How old is she? She's older than Nat, right?

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Posted by: @bugaboo

Now the social media attention starts. She seems to be seeking it. It may note be as much fun as she thinks.

Yeah, status climber, for sure. I wish Dak could learn to love himself before jumping into relationships. He's bringing in yet another woman who has an agenda. The D4B and the WAGS all go along to get along. But you know they see it, too.

At least Natalie came with her own money..

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Posted by: @bugaboo

This is a duplicate of the NB/Dak post game pic in Tampa in 2021. In both, Dak looks beat and the girl is making the huge smile. I’ll hand it to SJ that she’s taking advantage of the situation. She has NB’s playbook memorized! 

But why, tho?? Where did it get Natalie? Heartbroken, that's where.

One of these women need the strength to be original. Bring something different to the table. They all read this forum. Have we been wrong? Nope!

How old is she? She's older than Nat, right?

SJ is 29. Turns 30 in early November. Yup, that biological clock is ticking loudly for her. I thought she was older. These Florida girls do not age well with a life of sun exposure.

She must think she has very little to offer on her own so she’ll just be the typical IG bikini posing slut. Her profile pic says it all for guys—she makes sure they see her cleavage. 

Another similarity to NB is SJ pulling her cuz (@Victoriaramos___) into this relationship. Cuz was with SJ in Dallas for the Jax game and followed Jeanne Grier. Now I see cuz is following BE (Brian E) and Damian Williams. We know they were together at the dinner with SJ and Dak over Labor Day. Did she drag cuz along too? Cuz V follows many celebs so getting to spend time with one/friends might enough to get her to follow SJ along on the Dallas trips. SJ has her cuz and NB had Court.

BTW, Court is living in CO right now. Her parents bought a gorgeous home near Aspen/Vail. Not sure if this is permanent or not.


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Yeah, status climber, for sure. I wish Dak could learn to love himself before jumping into relationships. He's bringing in yet another woman who has an agenda. The D4B and the WAGS all go along to get along. But you know they see it, too.

At least Natalie came with her own money..

You mention Dak loving himself. Did you see the interview with Tad done by Newy Scruggs? Tad talked about how proud he was of Dak for winning the WPMOY. Newy asked him if he had forgiven himself for Jace’s death. Tad said no and doubt he ever will. He followed that with he and Dak haven’t even talked about it. They need to! They should be able to get a therapist to help them work through this. Maybe painful, but they both need to unpack a lot of hurt and loss.

SJ basically advertised her intent. The D4B has seen the IG gf before many times. I have to think they say, “here we go again.”  Wouldn’t be surprised if they have bets on how long it will last? 

I think her IG/FB cleanse was done in advance of the pic drop today. Wonder what she thinks she’s hiding?

Oh yeah, NB paid her own way!!! She may have broken his heart, but did it on her own dime.


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Y'all this is the funniest thing I've read. Dak would never. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxDodpMMF35/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==

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I’m not sure NB broke Dak’s heart. I think it’s the other way around. In an IG Q&A a few weeks ago, NB said it takes her longer than most people to get over a breakup because she gives 100%+ of herself to a relationship. I think Dak broke up with her for whatever reason. She may have struggled to get over the relationship which is why she held onto the Dak IG shrine for so long. Dak seems to move on from relationships pretty quickly. I don’t know how long he’s been seeing SJ or how long this one lasts. Time will tell.

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@queenie Her pop out has been a mess. I saw on one blog where people are saying she looks trans. 

She wanted this attention, she got it. I wonder if Dak warned her before she posted them together?

Note to Dak’s NEXT GF: wait for him to post you first! You’re welcome.

This post was modified 12 months ago by Audrey Hepburn

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