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Dak Prescott

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@bugaboo😂😂 just trying to put the pieces together. Also Tad and SJ have finally followed each other on Insta..

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Posted by: @queenie

@bugaboo😂😂 just trying to put the pieces together. Also Tad and SJ have finally followed each other on Insta..

Wonder if Sj has found us? We figured NB did since we would mention following or liking a IG page and she did it.  Yup, she followed Tad and then liked the hbd post. Why wait? She could like it without following Tad.
SJ is still in Cali. She was in Oxnard this afternoon at TC. She had a pic of her ice cream cone with the blurred background of the field. So, Dak is her bf (or whatever) and she’s taking a pic from TC standing in the parking lot? They have a new VIP area on the field and she could certainly sit there. She has another pic with a friend from in LA. And of course she’s wearing a True Brand hat. Dak has a financial interest in True Brand now.
No idea where Tad/Holly are. They haven’t put anything on IG since Saturday.
SJs behavior is increasingly odd. She was in Cali missing her little sister’s bday on July 31.  She appears very close to her, but chose to stay in Cali stalking her bf? Wonder what she’s telling people? Dak’s bday was not romantic at all per CeeDee. (Ok, he wasn’t asked about romantic) He said he organized a hbd dinner for Dak with the WRs and they watched the Errol Spence fight in a team meeting room. That sounds very Dak. No real SJ alone time. I’m guessing CeeDee invited Tad/Holly and SJ. Maybe not and they just spent time with Dak on Sunday. As Judy says for Dak it’s FBE.
Practice tomorrow is closed to fans/media. Does she go home now? She’s been there for almost a week. Does she still have a job or just using up all of her vacay? Lots of questions!!!!

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Things have been popping at TC and on sm. Tad/fam and SJ left Cali on Wednesday. Holly posted 10 vacay pics in her gallery. SJ is in 1 group pic at a practice session holding Mack. For a second I thought she was a nanny! One pic of Dak with Mack and the rest are Tad and family.

So SJ was back in FL on Thursday for work. She continues to add WAGs to her follows. Last night Lauryn Rush posted pics of her girls after practice with Coop and Dak. There is a very short video of the baby and NB made sure to comment on it. She also has pics of Ayla with Coop, with Dak and with Lauryn. SJ liked it and commented with a lame emoji, Dak liked it (cause it is cute) and NB liked it. I’m 99.9% sure NB is aware of SJ and is going to like  or comment on posts they all follow. Her way of sticking it to Dak over and over. SJ is trying  hard to insert herself in the Cowboys WAG circle.

Dak did a huge number of interviews this week. He did one on Tuesday with Joe Trahan. I found it on the WFAA YouTube page. Fairly short and at the end  asked Dak what his relationship status was (said someone in the newsroom was curious). Dak had his big smile and said, “Pending.” Dak is not locked in right now I guess. Playing this like a good QB with multiple pass catchers open. So SJ spent a good chunk of July dragging after him and his relationship status is pending. If was her, I would be so pissed. Maybe all of the IG activity needs to stop.

Dak also did an interview on 105.3 The Fan. He was asked about guys practicing at the Palace. Basically everyone on the team has been there and he always has food/Gatorade. He said guys are always welcome to hang out, swim, play pool/ping pong etc. It just doesn’t sound like a guy really into a serious relationship.

Is there a rule that SJ can’t go anywhere near him without a chaperone? Yikes! All of the time she has spent with Tad/Holly qualifies her to be the nanny. 😂 

Dak needs to find a girl who says she is fine not doing IG for about 6 months after they start dating. SJ is moving faster than NB did. I don’t think she trusts this PENDING relationship when she’s not right there.

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Can someone give me a timeline of Dak’s relationship with Kylee?

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Yea @Bugaboo SJ is following too many WAGs and she's doing too much way faster than NB. If she doesn't be careful she'll be out before the season starts. Her stories are the same-food, beach and some kind of drink. NB had a little more substance. But I've been lurking in all their stories and follows lol. 

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@thevirgoshe Can't say there really was one.

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Posted by: @thevirgoshe

Can someone give me a timeline of Dak’s relationship with Kylee?

There was a lengthy discussion of whatever was going on with them before the site was corrupted and crashed. When it was restored all of that (plus a lot of other discussions) were lost. A few others in this have more knowledge of the Dak/Kylee relationship.

What I remember was that Kylee’s mom is a friend of Dak’s uncle, Phil. Kylee is 2-3 ? years older than Dak. They did spend time together (not sure if romantic) when Dak was in college.

What got our attention, was at Dak’s 1st game back in 2021 against the Bucs, NB was in a suite with her mom and P. Jarwin and made a big deal of it on IG. Kylee and her mom had seats with some of the D4B crew behind the Cowboys bench! Kylee got the better deal at that game. Then we saw that Kylee was at quite a few Cowboy home games. Her family has been big fans for decades so it wasn’t a total shock to see them, but Kylee lives/works in Houston so it takes her some time to get to Dallas. I think she might have been at one other away game that year.

Haven’t seen her showing up at games after that. Someone thought she had been at training camp prior to 2021??

Dak still follows her. As I recall, someone noticed he unfollowed her and then followed her back in spring of 2021. That’s when we became suspicious that NB had access to his IG and unfollowed some of his female friends? Kylee has had her IG locked for quite awhile and then locked her FB soon after we noticed the follow/unfollow of her IG. That’s all I recall.


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Posted by: @queenie

Yea @Bugaboo SJ is following too many WAGs and she's doing too much way faster than NB. If she doesn't be careful she'll be out before the season starts. Her stories are the same-food, beach and some kind of drink. NB had a little more substance. But I've been lurking in all their stories and follows lol. 

It really seems that she is trying hard to show stories and her stuff is quite blah. So, where does she go now and does she have to be with Tad/Holly or D4B to be near Dak? I wonder if she’s being introduced as a “family friend” and not Dak’s “friend?” 

I don’t see her going back to Cali. Team will be back there next week, but then that’s it. Tad/Holly aren’t going back. Does she make a short trip to Dallas this weekend and try and make it look like she’s spending time with Dak?

Team flies back to Dallas on Friday, late afternoon game on Saturday and then fly back to Cali on Sunday. Dak isn’t playing in the Jax game so if she goes to the stadium, she can watch him warm up and then stand on the sidelines. Wow! Preseason games are boring unless you know guys actually playing. Maybe she’ll try cozying up to some other WAGs?

When she travels to see/be near Dak, is he paying? Does she stay at the Palace or with Tad/Holly? Inquiring minds want to know! 😂 😂 

I noticed that Dak did not “like” Hollys vacay pic’s even though he’s in one. He never “liked” the pics from his football camp either. They both have pics of SJ. He did “like” the bday pics in Tad’s IG and the pics from practice in Lauryn Rush’s IG. He is picking and choosing not to “like” certain pics and I think we know why.


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Posted by: @bugaboo

I noticed that Dak did not “like” Hollys vacay pic’s even though he’s in one. He never “liked” the pics from his football camp either. They both have pics of SJ. He did “like” the bday pics in Tad’s IG and the pics from practice in Lauryn Rush’s IG. He is picking and choosing not to “like” certain pics and I think we know why.

Lol, we definitely know why. Mr Relationship Status is "Pending" is keeping his options option. 

I think he's getting bored with this one already. She needs to learn from Natalie's missteps, but even if she did, I don't think it will help her. We'll see how long she lasts.

I'm concerned about Dak, though. He hasn't had the best camp.


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Welp guess who posted themselves gettin on a plane tonight. Think she’s flyin to Dallas? First preseason game Saturday, but like Bugaboo said he’s not even playing. It’s just kinda crazy to me the amount of traveling she’s doing to be around him so soon. However… I may be the oddball out when I say this, but I feel like he’s actually into this one more than just a fling type scenerio. I’m thinking he said pending just because if he said “dating” we all know the medias and haters would be in a uproar saying how it’s going to mess up his season. But I really don’t see him letting her come and stay/travel this frequently, let alone meeting everyone he’s introducing her to if he wasn’t takin it serious. (Now I hope I’m wrong,just because something about her gives me a bad feeling) but it’ll def be interesting to see how it plays out. Im sure SJ won’t be able to contain herself on her stories much longer, she stays posting obvious things geared towards letting the lurkers know where she’s at. Personally, I’d be keeping everything private till we mutually were ready to announce shit. Grab y’all’s popcorn, it’s definitely gunna be an interesting season. 🤭 🤭 

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Posted by: @escobars

Welp guess who posted themselves gettin on a plane tonight. Think she’s flyin to Dallas? First preseason game Saturday, but like Bugaboo said he’s not even playing. It’s just kinda crazy to me the amount of traveling she’s doing to be around him so soon. However… 

Her behavior doesn’t even make much sense. She and her cousin (Vicky Ramos) flew to Dallas on Thursday night. Dak was still in Cali and the team didn’t land in Dallas until late afternoon on Friday. So they spent the day doing ? Holly/Tad didn’t post any pics of SJ. The only pic Sj had up was her and cousin at a hotel bar on Friday evening. No real romance there. The players all went home after getting back. Why was she hanging around a bar?

Team went to the Star about 11a on Saturday, got on buses and went to the stadium. After the game, they went to the airport and are flying back to Cali tonight. So, she has a pic sitting in one of the suites wearing her blue cowgirl boots (didn’t NB do that multiple times?) and one with her cuz and Jeane Grier.  She’s screaming that she’s with Mr Pending who hasn’t followed her yet. Wonder if her cuz thinks this is weird or is just kinda star struck and will go with whatever SJ tells her.

Next Saturday is a game in Seattle. Flying there to sit and watch him stand on the sidelines is obsessed. Dak better watch out or she’ll be moved in when he gets back from training camp. At least she’s slowed down on the follows…..for now.


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Posted by: @escobars

 However… I may be the oddball out when I say this, but I feel like he’s actually into this one more than just a fling type scenerio. I’m thinking he said pending just because if he said “dating” we all know the medias and haters would be in a uproar saying how it’s going to mess up his season. But I really don’t see him letting her come and stay/travel this frequently, let alone meeting everyone he’s introducing her to if he wasn’t takin it serious. (Now I hope I’m wrong,just because something about her gives me a bad feeling) but it’ll def be interesting to see how it plays out. Im sure SJ won’t be able to contain herself on her stories much longer, she stays posting obvious things geared towards letting the lurkers know where she’s at. Personally, I’d be keeping everything private till we mutually were ready to announce shit. Grab y’all’s popcorn, it’s definitely gunna be an interesting season. 🤭 🤭 

For the most part, Dak does superficial relationships. He hooks up with fairly attractive girls that put up with standing off to the side while he is 1000% focused on football. The only serious relationship was NB. This relationship is very similar to his fling with Rosette Abud. Very similar physically and she lived in AZ and would pop up in Frisco. She tried to move fast too and I believe was pushing to move to Frisco/move in with him and it ended. That had been an off-season romance too.

SJ and Dak haven’t been alone enough to really get to know each other. Some of the time she’s in Dallas or Cali, he’s not around and she’s spending time with Holly or her cuz. We saw similar behavior with NB. We rarely saw just Dak/NB. There were always others with them. With her not living in DFW (yet), they don’t have much chance to even spend time alone. For now, I’ll stick with fling.

There is something off about her—-totally agree. Big red flags with her scrubbing her FB and then taking it down. Then the weird stuff she did around July 4–IG down and then private. Now she’s deleted 5 pics and all the follows of his friends is over the top. In the last few days, he has deliberately avoided liking pics when she’s in them. Hello girl…..that isn’t bf behavior.

I’m sure Joe Trahan asked Dak if he could ask about his relationship status before the interview. The pending answer was thought out. The local media knows about his gfs, but rarely say anything to him and he’s really well liked by the Dallas media. I don’t think he’s sure about any serious relationship and wants to keep his options open. He said that when SJ was still in Cali. Wonder if he told her about the interview? Hearing the guy you are scheduling your whole life around is saying his relationship status is pending should have you take a step back.

Dak makes a mistake of not understanding how the girl will react in these relationships. The girls are always 100% in while he’s at 25%—-maybe less during football season.


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I noticed that there seemed to be quite a few guests on here. Turns out there is more out there fanning the flames on the Jadyn Jannasch/Dak rumor. It’s humorous how no real info it takes for these rumors to stay alive. Looks like Jadyn is making sure she tries to stir the pot. They don’t even follow each other on IG.

Jadyn was at the Cowboys Club on Dak’s bday. She’s been there before and her dad may belong. If Dak was her bf, wouldn’t she have been out in Cali to see him on his bday?? And Jadyn made sure to post a story from the Jax game on 8/12. No pic of her with Dak so it proves nothing……..again. This girl was home from college for almost 3 months and no pic of her with Dak. Funny how Jadyn and SJ were at the Jax game. 😂 

Looks like Jadyn isn’t going to be on the LSU swim team. Her attempts to connect herself to Dak are really pretty childish. 23 yo Dak might have been interested…….she’s too rough and young for 30 yo Dak.

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More follows with the DB4 group. Dak liked her recent post..Kudos to that accomplishment. She also posted that she was at the preseason game but they still haven't followed each other. Could be soon. Another note Dak would make a great coach after he retires after his great play calling against the Raiders. We will see how the season goes. I'm not sold on SJ just yet. Just waiting 

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Posted by: @queenie

More follows with the DB4 group. Dak liked her recent post..Kudos to that accomplishment. She also posted that she was at the preseason game but they still haven't followed each other. Could be soon.

Such a weird “relationship.” SJ put a story up of a poker table late on Sunday. Turns out Monument Realty hosted a kickoff event for FFF at the Cowboy Club. Similar to the one in 2022, but looked to be just poker. Not nearly as much sm content and a smaller group. Dak looked to be having a good time. Sj ? She was there based on her blurred pic. Tried to find her in the videos and maybe saw her once? Dak was working the room solo. The FFF IG page has a few videos in the tagged section. Didn’t see Tad/Holly or Brian Egan.

@itzzcrose has some video of herself and Dak. She’s a realtor for Monument and is Latina. She had on a red dress and there was definitely some flirting going on. She was also the one that posted the story of Jadyn J. at the Monument Realty event at Globelife where she showed Dak way off in the distance. She definitely has the look he likes.

The back and forth travel with SJ is unnerving. The weekend of the Seattle game she was in Prosper on Saturday and went to a FFF event at a rodeo. It was a back to school event for about 20 high school kids and local police. I doubt she had to fly from Tampa to help out. 😂 Tad/Holly, Pops and kids were there and the next day, she followed the director of FFF. There are some group pics and she’s not in any of them. So she did that while Dak was in Seattle with the team and got back about 6a on Sunday. Then SJ was off to Portland.

I think she got the like on her Portland photo dump because of the vintage Cowboys Super Bowl sweatshirt she wore. Even though she is following many of the D4B crew, she only got a couple of likes from them. I’m guessing she got back to Tampa on Thursday and then less than 36 hours later was back in Dallas eating at Town Hearth. Yeah, she and Jeane Grier were at the game. Last game for Jeane with Will getting cut. Wonder who she cozies up to next?

I’ve got some other thoughts on her IG behavior in another post.


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