According to a report, Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case against the NFL could involve subpoenas against President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Yahoo Sports! reported. Kaepernick and his legal team are expected to seek a federal subpoena to get testimony from Trump, Pence and other officials 

The goal, according to the report, is to find out, via the Federal Arbitration Act, what Trump, Pence and those officials said in direct discussions with NFL owners about Kaepernick’s free agency and NFL player protests during the national anthem.  

In his testimony, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Trump spoke with him about the anthem. “This is very winning, strong issue for me,” Jones said Trump told him during a phone call. “Tell everybody, you can’t win this one. This one lifts me.”

The Journal also reported that Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross testified that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft had also discussed the anthem with Trump. Get your popcorn ready, this should be pretty fun to watch this play out.