Georgia is declining its invitation to the White House, saying the date offered “was not feasible.”

“The University of Georgia first received, on May 3, an invitation for the Bulldog football team to visit the White House on June 12. Unfortunately, the date suggested is not feasible given the student-athlete calendar and time of year,” the school announced in a statement Tuesday, according to The Athletic’s Seth Emerson. “However, we are appreciative of the invitation and look forward to other opportunities for Georgia teams moving forward.”

The White House is hosting an event for NCAA championship teams June 12. The plan is to have a number of winners from different sports and divisions, according to Emerson. The LSU women’s basketball team and UConn men’s basketball team are the only champions that’ll visit the White House separately May 26.

Georgia has won the College Football Playoff National Championship in each of the last two seasons. The Bulldogs also declined their invitation to the White House last year, citing COVID-19 protocols.

A college football champion hasn’t visited the White House since LSU attended the ceremony following the 2019 season. Alabama, the winner of the 2020 campaign, wasn’t present due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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