This “Bad Boy” Piston was the epitome of the 80’s Pistons style of play.

Laimbeer probably has the NBA record for most punches thrown at because he dished out flagrant fouls that even the NBA refs couldn’t miss.

If the NBA paralled wrestling, he would be the ultimate heel, a reason why his nicknames included “The Prince of Darkness,” “Street Thug,” and the “Ax Murderer.”

He was also the main instigator of the Jordan Rules, developed by the Pistons, which involved hacking MJ relentlessly so he would physically break down by the end of the game. He was hated so much in Chicago, that the Bulls mascot, Benny the Bull, even staged a fight with a Laimbeer doll.

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Laimbeer was also the evolutionary origin of the NBA flopper, a legacy that is carried on in a much sissier fashion by today’s players.

Basically the worst guy ever.

And now he’s calling out MJ after last night’s episode showed him displaying the worst sportsmanship ever seen.

Flip the Page to see his response:
