It looks like New England Patriots star Quarterback Tom Brady isn’t entirely immune to the wrath of Bill Belichick.
During his appearance on the Your Mom’s House Podcast, former Patriot Heath Evans told a story of the time Belichick tore into Brady during the 2007 season.
“I remember it was ’07. We smoked the team by like 50 points and Bill comes in and he’s mouthing off at Brady about something,” Evans said. “I’m trying to remember how it started but he was like, ‘If you weren’t so worried about you and Gisele’s (Bundchen) next GQ magazine maybe, just maybe you wouldn’t have thrown that interception. What is this Christmas? It’s October, Brady. Christmas come early or something? I can go somewhere for Foxboro High and get someone to that ball better than you.’ Just going at him, you know?”
Tom Brady is not even immune to criticism from Bill Belichick ?
— (@sportsgossip) May 16, 2019
I trust the evil genius that is Bill Belichick knew exactly what he was doing by ripping Tom.
You don’t just become a GOAT overnight.
It takes years of carefully crafted insults to make a normal player turn into a legend.
Check out more pics of Tom’s better half below:
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