Philadelphia Sixers star Ben Simmons is Australia’s biggest star but persistent criticism of his jump shot, which has been a work in progress since he broke out in college, continues to plague him.

The 76ers young gun is under pressure to deliver success to Philadelphia and his relationship with Kendall Jenner has also come under the microscope.

Speaking to GQ Australia, where Simmons is the March-April cover story, the 22-year-old who grew up in Melbourne said it can be hard to ignore everything that comes with being in the spotlight.

Simmons said he tries to stay grounded when it comes to criticism around his increased public profile.

“I mean it comes with the territory,” he said. “Everybody has their own opinions but you shouldn’t have to listen to everybody.

“I try to stay away from reading too many things about what people are saying, you know, unless it’s my family, my brothers.”

Check out pics from his shoot below: 

 Simmons  now mingles among those he once idolized.

“I’m more used to it now, but there are still times where you play some of the greatest players — LeBron, Kevin Durant, some of the great guys like that — where you were watching them a few years ago playing in finals and playoffs and going at each other and you’re there now,” Simmons said.

“So for me, it’s still an amazing accomplishment and I’m very grateful. But when I step on the floor, I’m going to try and go at these guys.”

Simmons is definitely raising his profile. 

Dating Kendall Jenner definitely helped. 

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