Most modern students will have to write narrative essays, and there is nothing to worry about. Surely you know that such papers are focused on boosting storytelling skills. Typically, your professor will ask you to write a short story about a personal experience you had. Unlike many other essay types, narrative paper lets you get personal and creative. But the problem is that not all students are ready for the freedom of action. Your professor may say, “Pick any topic that resonates with you!” Are you ready for this turn of events? Here is a guide to help you choose great narrative essay topics and write a great paper.

Never Forget That You Are Telling a Story!

Don’t forget that you must tell a story that (most likely) should be engaging, touching, and unique. Do not think your academic paper can be raw, dry, and boring. That is why you should not choose emotionless topics. Instead, choose ideas that allow you to write an exciting story and focus on your experience.

This strategy may seem daunting for first-year students, especially if they are not used to creating many assignments. That is why you should choose your topic in advance or ask someone for help. Check the review if you are thinking about delegating your essay but are unsure which companies to avoid.

An Event From Your Life May Be the Best Topic

Your essay involves the use of some life story. Perhaps you should talk about an event that influenced your perception of the world or attitude toward someone. Don’t be afraid to be personal! Your professor will undoubtedly appreciate your sincerity. At the same time, try to shape your story as a solid piece of writing with no logical or time gaps. In other words, pick a moment in your life, shape a story, and write whatever you’re willing to share with the audience and the professor.

Focus On Something Meaningful and Engaging

Typically you won’t have any topic restrictions, so you can choose to write about something you are personally interested in and passionate about. Do you like to play guitar or piano? Tell the story of how you first tried to play something. Describe your path to music and the obstacles you overcame. Feel free to focus on what matters to you. Don’t forget that your idea is to write a story. That is why nothing is better than your experience and the emotions you experienced.

However, young students sometimes find it challenging to put everything together. In such a situation, they may be confused or not know in which direction to move. But what if there is a good way to understand the writing process? You can learn more about essays and how to create them by delegating some papers. But which company should you trust? Maybe you should check at least one review to find out about not-so-reliable writing services. Such a strategy will allow you to narrow the academic options and choose the best company.

Don’t Skip the Prewriting Stage!

Creating a good story is your priority. But don’t forget about the prewriting stage and outlining process. Before starting your story, you must map your paper and think through all the writing ideas. A good plan will allow you not to lose key ideas and describe in detail all the critical nuances of your story. So don’t skip the prewriting stage; you’ll see how all the puzzle pieces fit perfectly!

Always Stick to the Right Essay Structure

Your main goal is to create an exciting story, but the format of your thoughts should follow the classic essay structure. For example, you should stick to three key parts: intro, body parts, and conclusion. To begin with, you should indicate what you will write about and why it is essential to you. Then, the central part of the essay will allow you to tell your story, and the conclusion is the final paragraph for summarizing your thoughts.

Try not to stray from the intended path, and do not add unnecessary parts that do not meet the original essay requirements. Adhering to this format will make it easier for you to find and formulate your ideas. Choosing topics will not be critical for you when academic standards guide you. In any case, you will have a direction to move quickly to the next paper stage.


As you can see, creating a good narrative essay depends on the topics you choose. Focus on what interests you or talk about your experience. Feel free to experiment, and don’t be afraid to write honestly. Nothing is better than a student ready for an honest dialogue or story. At the same time, your topic must meet academic standards, so ask your professor about the boundaries you must follow. Perhaps a short consultation will help you choose a good topic idea and start the writing process.