Apparently Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antonio Brown is offiically saying his goodbyes to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
He posts:
Thank you SteelerNation for a big 9 years…time to move on and forward………. NewDemands
Thank you SteelerNation for a big 9 years…time to move on and forward……….✌? #NewDemands
— Antonio Brown (@AB84) February 12, 2019
Brown was just charged for speeding.
Antonio Brown Found Guilty of Driving over 100 MPH
— (@sportsgossip) February 12, 2019
And he was in headlines less than a week ago after police were called to his Florida home because of a domestic dispute with the mother of one of this children.
Antonio Brown Involved in a Domestic Dispute in January
— (@sportsgossip) February 5, 2019
He was not arrested.
We also spotted him at the Grammys on a good one.
Antonio Brown Was High on Gucci At the Grammy Awards #nfl #grammys #HereWeGo
— (@sportsgossip) February 11, 2019
At this point Steelers fan must want him gone, although, he’s really a one of a kind talent.
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