Summertime is an exciting season that allows you to enjoy great company outdoors. It is a time that you can explore different kinds of sports that you may have otherwise been kept away from due to the cold season. It is a time where you can dust off your outdoor shoes and outfits and hit the ground running by playing sports. If you are wondering which sports to take up during summer, here are three of some of the best summertime sports:

1. Baseball

Baseball is a ball-and-bat game played between competing teams. The main mechanic of the game is that a baseball is thrown or batted to run out the clock. The starting line-up is usually set at first base, third base, and the place where the player that just hit a home run will get hit.

From there, the field in which the play is being made continues, with the outfield being the last part of the field to be used. The term used for a runner that scores run on a field is called an outfielder. The term used for the player that fielding runs and saves the bases (also known as a position player) is known as a base player.

Pitchers and closers are two positions that are frequently confused with each other. A pitcher is the one responsible for managing the course of the game by utilizing various techniques and methods, while a closer is the one that allows the game to continue, preserving the balance of offence and defence.

The position of a catcher is normally in the outfield, but some players have been known to catch a regular baseball and throw it back to the pitcher for a base hit. There have even been instances where a pitcher has pitched to an outfielder to get a double play! If you are considering getting into baseball, make sure to familiarize yourself with the various terms and positions so that you can decide the ones that may suit you best. 

2. Swimming 


A cooling sport such as swimming is perfect for the hot summer months. You can turn the sport into a social activity where you get together with your friends and do a few laps. You can also decide to venture into professional swimming by hiring a swimming coach. That way you learn the different strokes, breathing patterns, and learn how to complete laps in set time-frames. 

Swimming also facilitates for a full body work out as you exercise even the smallest of your muscles as you swim. Back muscles, arms, thighs, legs, shoulders, and neck muscles are exercised with every swimming session you enjoy. It is also a low impact sport meaning it’s a safe option for those with chronic conditions that may stop them from participating in high impact sports. 

3. Tennis

The joy of playing tennis in the summertime is that you enjoy the weather while playing the sport with a companion. You may even decide to double up and enjoy the game as a group. Tennis involves short distance running which is tiring at the end of the match. Make sure to drink a lot of liquids and wear outdoor gear such as a cap and shades that protect you from the sun. It’s also encouraged to wear sunscreen to avoid sunburn.


The summertime is the best time to enjoy the outdoors with your peers. A few sports you can enjoy during that time include baseball, swimming, and tennis. Make sure to read up on the different sports if you don’t have detail on how the sports play out. You may also have to explore different tactics and positions to find the ones that you enjoy the most, depending on the sport.